Forthcoming: The Politics of Demographic Distortion. Under contract with Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Jay Winter and Michael Teitelbaum.
8 Billion and Counting
A provocative description of the power of population change to create the conditions for societal transformation.
(W.W. Norton, March 2022)
“Demography may not be destiny, but it’s destiny’s kissing cousin. Jennifer Sciubba’s easily accessible writing will make an armchair demographer of even those without any background in the subject. Demography is key to understanding the most important trends affecting nations, regions, and the world today, and this book proves a wise guide in that endeavor.”
— Valerie Hudson, author of The First Political Order
“The planet’s population is set to continue increasing, Sciubba writes, urging administrations worldwide to enact policies that account for demographic trends, and powerfully concluding that the main question to consider is, ‘How can we use the 8 billion people we have on the planet today to shape the world we want tomorrow?’ Comprehensive and full of incisive analysis, this is not to be missed.”
— Publishers Weekly
"Reading 8 Billion and Counting should cause university presidents, trustees and chief financial officers to prioritize a long-term transition of educational programs and campus facilities toward serving the needs of an older population.”
—Joshua Kim, Chronicle of Higher Education
A Research Agenda for Political Demography
“A thought-provoking vista of a turbulent future.”
– David Coleman, Emeritus Professor, University of Oxford, UK
“A Research Agenda for Political Demography has raised the bar by pulling together scholarly work on the critical impact of demographic change—both incremental and seismic—on issues of economic development and migration, gender and race, climate change and conflict. Policy-makers and researchers in health, economics, national security and urban planning will gain new insights on the state of current research, critical questions which can be addressed as well as recommendations on gaps and further areas for inquiry. A stimulating and insightful read.”
– Jeffrey Jordan, President and CEO, PRB, US
”Not using demography to anticipate the all-too-predictable economic slowdowns, growing populism, and conflict is a major analytic crime and government failing. If you want to know what is coming over the horizon and reshape the future to your advantage, read this book by world-class political scientists and demographers.”
– Mathew Burrows, Director of the Atlantic Council's Foresight, Strategy and Risks Initiative, US
The Future Faces of War
“During my tenure as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from 2005-2009 I insisted that my policy and war planning experts pay attention to demographic trends. I only wish that Sciubba’s book had been available to us, it would have filled a huge intellectual void in defense planning.“
— Eric S. Edelman, Distinguished Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and Visiting Scholar at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
“Sciubba’s work provides a needed foundation for connecting traditional state security concerns with underlying human security and development priorities. It deepens our understanding of how neglect of the latter can contribute directly to problems in the former.”
— Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Director, Environmental Change and Security Program, Woodrow Wilson Center
“A must read for anyone attempting to better understand the future global security environment.”
— Ken Knight, Former US National Intelligence Officer for Warning